Insurance Young Driver การประกันภัยรถยนต์ ENG
How to Get Cheap Car Insurance for a Young DriverThis video shows you how to get cheap car insurance for a young driver.
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How to Get Cheap Car Insurance for a Young DriverThis video shows you how to get cheap car insurance for a young driver.
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Can I cross the border of the USA on my under 21 rental car?
If you belong to road trip enthusiasts who don’t want to feel the boundaries when exploring America, then border crossing is another opportunity to expand the range of new experiences. This is an extra option offered by suppliers, and the prospect of its use depends on many factors.
For example, your upcoming aim is to cross the state border in a rental vehicle. Your immediate task is to contact the provider’s office and inform them about your travel intentions. Moreover, this should be done in advance, before receiving the car - only then will you be finally approved. The next measure - you have to collect certain additional documents:
From USA to Canada
Usually, cars registered in the USA are free to cross the Canadian border. However, before that you need to order special insurance from your provider – it’s called PERS. By the way, it’s better to do this at least 4 days before the future pick-up time.
From USA to Mexico
When using car rental to under 21, almost all the top-tier providers will reject the abroad opportunity with Mexico.
However, it’s still possible to resolve this issue. This is because border crossing with Mexico is quite problematic and requires advance preparation.
First, you only need to pick up a car in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas or California only. Secondly, you should resolve this issue with the supplier in advance. Then, when crossing the border, you must purchase Mexican insurance - its cost is $38-48 a day plus taxes. Please note that Mexicans are prohibited to cross the Mexican border when traveling on the U.S. registered rental car. See more here: rental car 18 .